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Blackhorn Ventures sees impact opportunity and investor demand for asset-light, capital-light software solutions in industrial decarbonisation – swimming against the growing tide of asset-heavy finance.
Apollo's private credit assets 'demonstrated lower transition risks' than the firm's other private asset classes, according to its 2023 sustainability report.
Neustark CO2 storage site, Muttenz, Switzerland.
The investors have joined existing backers in a $69m funding round for Neustark.
UPP's climate solutions investment target is proportionally large: the institution has C$11.7 billion in assets.
Jan Østergaard profile pic
Industriens Pension’s head of real assets, Jan Østergaard, would like to see a contracts-for-difference model re-introduced by the EU to mitigate power price volatility risk.
A first close is earmarked for later this year, which could see the vehicle raise about half of its targeted capital.
The $486bn pension fund has also been targeting diverse and emerging managers to improve returns, pension fund documents show.
Investors in Fund II include the Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, the Dunn Family Charitable Foundation, Carbon Equity, Builders Vision and New Summit Investments.
Fewer North American investors have public net zero commitments compared with last year, according to a report from Robeco.
The firm is linking 20% of its carried interest to impact KPIs; if these are not met, then unearned carry will be donated to a non-profit.

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