Half of Enhanced Return Debt Fund capital is earmarked for climate solutions, per a statement.
BNP Paribas Solar Impulse Venture Fund is expected to hold a final close later this year, according to a statement.
The firm has seen appetite for its first developed markets impact credit fund from pensions and insurers, head of impact strategy Diane Mak told New Private Markets.
Nearly a third of the Environment Acceleration Capital Fund comprises capital from individual investors.
The impact-led venture firm is developing a new product in partnership with pension solutions provider Mobius Life.
The firm is the latest GP to turn to for transition credit investments, and has raised $240m so far.
The firm has raised $30m for its inaugural fund, which will make seed investments in healthcare data and AI start-ups that enhance cancer care and research.
The Copia Group appointed Beata Kirr, former co-head of investment strategies at AllianceBernstein's wealth management business, as chief impact officer last year.
The Transform Health Fund is 'a high impact healthcare-focused debt fund' targeting $100m, an IFC report shows.
Climate Infrastructure Fund I invests in 'projects rolling out proven technologies', chief executive Jacqueline van den Ende said.