The firm closed its first fund in September last year and has now agreed seven investments.
The firm has made three growth investments into food tech businesses in a little over a year.
Warburg Pincus, Partners Group, GIC and Swiss Re have also invested in carbon removal technology this year.
Aviva Investors is seeing greater demand for social housing investments that can 'create positive social outcomes whilst also capturing financial returns'.
Stockholm-based Worldfavor is used by private equity firms and corporates to gather ESG data from portfolios and supply chains.
The manager is on the hunt for borrowers with ESG-related business plans.
Impact firm Earth Capital is merging four biomass energy generation assets across the UK, having found these sites cannot scale or generate profit on their own.
With the acquisition of Australian battery energy storage developer Akaysha Energy, the firm intends to build out a 1GW portfolio of projects in the country’s National Electricity Market.
Scott Farquhar, Mike Cannon-Brookes and Andrew Forrest are investing directly in renewables, signalling a new approach among the wealthiest.
Breakthrough Energy Ventures, founded by Bill Gates in 2016, raised $1bn for its second fund and $1.1bn for its first.

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