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fund economics

Investors in the Indian insurtech business, which include Goldman Sachs Asset Management and LeapFrog Investments, will track the number of low-income consumers covered and quality of products, according to LeapFrog partner Stewart Langdon.
Frederic de Mévius, Planet First Partners
The Article nine fund exceeded its €350m target, raising 'mainly from large family offices in Europe, Asia and South America', said executive chairman Frédéric de Mévius.
Brunel Pension Partnership, one of the UK’s Local Government Pension Scheme pools, has cornerstoned Oxford's debut real estate impact fund, which is targeting £400m.
PEI senior reporter Carmela Mendoza and senior editor Adam Le discuss how private equity firms sharing equity with an entire workforce can create upside and value for investors.
Dollar bills wrapped in an band with impact written on it
It’s a private fund innovation that could be a force for good, but some investors may struggle with it.
A new climate growth vehicle, The Drawdown Fund, is putting 50% of its carry on the line as it nears a $100m first close.
DC-based energy fund manager EIG has made 25% of its carried interest contingent on emissions reduction targets.
A quarter of the team's carried interest will be contingent on the fund's portfolio companies meeting carbon reduction targets.
The Paris-based firm has launched an Article 8 leveraged buyout fund targeting €1.3bn ‘to support SMEs on decarbonisation’.
Jonathan Dean, head of impact investing at AXA IM Alts, shares some nuggets on the firm’s impact plans over breakfast with New Private Markets.

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