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fund economics

Closed Loop Partners has closed its debut buyout fund at $200m.
Trill Impact uses the same company-specific KPIs for its impact-linked carry as banks use for their financing – ‘in that way we also have an external eye and verification on the plan’.
The trio have teamed up to accelerate and scale regenerative farming practices with a €1bn impact fund that will invest in the enabling process.
‘We have put our money where our mouth is’ to create impact, but ‘it starts off with the financial KPIs,’ says Apax Impact co-head David Su.
Infrastructure giant expects to tie performance compensation to ESG KPIs for future funds.
The management team at Netherlands-headquartered Enviolo has a direct economic incentive to hit ESG-related goals.
With ESG performance being linked to the cost of debt, the attainment of carry and personal remuneration plans, how do you set robust KPIs and targets? George Weavil and Carys Clipper, lawyers from Travers Smith, give their opinion.
Nordic private equity firm Verdane has raised €300m to scale technology companies and create ‘disproportionate impact’, says Verdane partner Frida Einarson.
Some will wield influence over large pools of capital; others will plant smaller seeds and set an example to follow.
Travers Smith lawyers George Weavil and Carys Clipper describe a new type of sustainability-linked ratchet that could accelerate ESG improvements at the asset level.

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