Northern Gritstone, chaired by former Goldman Sachs AM chairman Jim O’Neill, aspires to create jobs and wealth in England’s underfunded North with SDG-aligned seed investments.
Vista was among the first North American private equity firms to join the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative in July last year.
LPs are being asked to 'let go of asset buckets' in a bid to make a meaningful impact on carbon emissions.
Matt Christensen, global head of sustainable and impact investing at Allianz Global Investing, is looking for a highly specialised GP.
Trill Impact uses the same company-specific KPIs for its impact-linked carry as banks use for their financing – ‘in that way we also have an external eye and verification on the plan’.
Digital globe
LGT offshoot Lightrock has closed a $300m impact fund focused on Latin America with investors from the region.
new york
The group has appointed New York head Nadir Settles as global head of impact investing.
Meketa Investment Group received nearly 50% more responses from managers to its annual DE&I questionnaire than last year.
Goldman Sachs' head of EMEA private equity Michael Bruun does not think we are at the 'too much money chasing too few deals' stage.
A core set of KPIs, selected by associations NCREIF and PREA from hundreds of metrics, is intended to address the ‘Wild Wild West’ of ESG reporting.

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