The framework will be applied to all of the institution's projects and reduces the number of indicators from 150 to 22.
Impact reports support asset owners and allocators to 'make investment and engagement decisions', the guide states.
Most foundations separate their investment portfolios from their philanthropy and impact work - leaving $1.14trn of impact potential 'on the table', according to Capricorn Investment Group.
The concept of a 'climate fund' has quickly evolved to span asset classes and strategies.
CDPQ's carbon intensity reduction pathway 'will not necessarily be linear over the next few years', its 2023 sustainable investing report warms.
Rich Lesser is the former CEO of Boston Consulting Group and Jeff Johnson was most recently a managing director at Temasek.
ODDO BHF Commit for Tomorrow is targeting €100m for a mixture of primary fund commitments, secondaries and co-investments aligned with one of three environmental themes.
Insurance Development Forum has announced a 'blueprint' designed to promote investment in infrastructure, including nature-based solutions, in developing markets.
closeup of charging an electric vehicle
Maniv has closed its third venture fund at $140m, backing early-stage companies decarbonising and digitalsing the transport sector.
For investors, co-living represents an opportunity to tackle two of the UK’s biggest challenges – the housing crisis and climate change – in a way that also delivers sustainable, long-term returns, writes Bridges Property Funds director Celia Harrison.

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